Installing the node

Step 1

Download ready-made binaries from the official github (this link is relevant for MAIN.1.0, if you are reading this guide, but there is already a new version is available, try changing the number 1.0 in the link to the number of the current version):


wget <>

Linux Arm64:

wget <>

Unpack the downloaded archive:


tar zxvf massa_MAIN.2.1_release_linux.tar.gz

Linux Arm64:

tar zxvf massa_MAIN.2.1_release_linux_arm64.tar.gz

You won’t believe it, but that’s it! You have installed the node.

Step 2

Before starting the node, we will create a config file with the ip-address of your server into it — for the node to be routable (replace the IP_ADDRESS with the IPv4/IPv6 address of your server), then copy and paste whole the block:

sudo tee <<EOF >/dev/null $HOME/massa/massa-node/config/config.toml
routable_ip = "IP_ADDRESS"

Step 3

Create a service file for the node to run in the background and does not stop after closing the terminal. Please note — replace the word YOUR_PASSWORD with your own password, the same password that you used when creating a wallet!

(Copy the block below in Notepad, replace the word YOUR_PASSWORD with your password and paste it entirely on the command line, not line by line.)

printf "[Unit]
Description=Massa Node
ExecStart=$HOME/massa/massa-node/massa-node -p YOUR_PASSWORD
[Install]" > /etc/systemd/system/massad.service

Next, run the node using the service file (3 commands):

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl enable massad

sudo systemctl restart massad

Checking that the node is working properly:

sudo journalctl -f -n 100 -u massad

Step 4

Now let’s move on to setting up the client / wallet. Launching the client for the first time. It will require, like the node, to come up with a password (I advise you to create the same as on the node, although most likely this is not entirely correct).